Merit Skills Ltd recognises the importance of providing quality Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) to our learners. We also understand the need to ensure that IAG is only given by those occupationally competent to provide it.
Information, Advice and Guidance service is to support clients of the business to meet their requirements or aspirations using our services. The purpose of the IAG provided to employers is to increase their knowledge and understanding of the services we provide, that in turn will lead to an increase in business. The IAG provided to learners is to help ensure they are supported in making decisions to help the development of their skills for the work place.
Our objectives for our information, advice and guidance service are as follows:
- To engage effectively with employers and learners to achieve growth in successful apprenticeships delivered
- To support clients in the training, up-skilling or qualifying of their work force
Impartiality Merit Skills aims to provide IAG which respects the needs of the enquirer and is in their best interests. All IAG provided will be impartial and confidential and will be provided with the professionalism and integrity expected of and by the organisation.
Your can download our IAG booklet here, its full of information about our service