By the end of this course the participants will be able to:
Outline the legal requirements regarding fire safety in the workplace
Understand the fire risk assessment process
Explain the chemistry of fire and how fire behaves within buildings
List the actions and priorities should fire occur
Recognise and describe the types of fire extinguishers available and explain their capabilities and limitations
Understand the importance of fire practices and ensuring everyone knows the procedure to follow in an emergency
Recognise and report fire hazards in the workplace
Explain the different fire classifications
List the types of information required by emergency services in the event of a fire
Use water and CO2 extinguishers to extinguish real fires
Carry out evacuation procedures in the workplace
A mixture of class room based presentations, a work place inspection and activities with outdoor exercises extinguishing a real fire.
Pre Course Requirements
Who Should Attend?
Anyone involved in fire prevention and evacuation in the workplace.