By the end of the course learners will be able:
- Describe the medical aspects of legionnaires disease, including how the bacteria proliferates and who are the susceptible people to the illness.
- Recognise relevant statutory documents and highlight a number of high profile court cases and there outcome
- The requirements of Approved Code of Practice L8 to ensure compliance.
- Wet Cooling Tower design, operation and maintenance requirements to minimise the risk of the bacteria proliferating
- Requirements of cleaning and disinfection of water systems and cooling towers
- Monitoring requirements including temperature checking, inspections water sampling and actions in the event of positive count.
- Requirements of compiling and maintaining the water management log book.
Classroom based delivery with assessments
Pre Course Requirements
Who Should Attend?
A city and guilds accredited course designed for managers, supervisors or engineers who need an understanding of how legionella bacteria may proliferate within their evaporative cooling tower(s).