By the end of this course the participants will be able to:
- Identify the section of water main requiring disinfection
- Select appropriate disinfectant & equipment and associated tools and carry out pre use checks
- Identify suitable valves, injection and flushing points on the main
- Isolate the section of main requiring disinfection
- Identify the customers affected and ensure appropriate communications are undertaken
- Describe the differing requirements regarding new and contaminated mains
- Disinfect the section of water main in accordance with procedures
- Take the necessary measurements relating to flow, time and chlorine residuals as appropriate
- Record and report details of the activities
- Recognise indications of both successful and unsuccessful disinfection activities
- Carry out all operations safely and hygienically
The course will consist of a mixture of classroom based tuition and practical exercises.
Pre Course Requirements
Learners should attend with their own personal protective equipment to include protection for feet, eyes, hands along with overalls and foul weather gear.
Who Should Attend?
Technicians requiring the skills and knowledge required to disinfect new and contaminated mains.