Merit Skills are please to announce that our first pilot of group of candidates using eportfolios is to commence. The first group will be 15 learners working within the water industry.
Merit Skills is committed to helping the environment and reducing our own carbon footprint as well as supporting our customers strategic plans with regards to the environment.
This is the first cohort of many starting during 2012. Although traditionally eportfolios have been used for vocationally qualifications such as NVQ's the assessment team are looking at ways to expand the use of this tool to shorter qualifications.
After careful consideration and a number of presentations from suppliers we have chosen SkilSure as our eportfolio partner.
Maria Fulluck, Director said 'Skilsure stood out from the crowd. It was very important to us to find a partner that was independent of an awarding body as we have approved centres with a number and offer a wide range of qualifications related to the utilities industry. Furthermore we were looking for a partner that was still investing in its product, so that it kept up with technological advances and did not become outdated over a period of time.'
'Also of importance was the different software the product worked on, many of our learners do not have regular access to a computer so it was vital that remote login was available and access via the internet.'
All our qualifications are listed on the qualifications page. If you would like any further information please contact us on 01733 246415.