We are happy to welcome Gary Armstrong to our Health and Safety training team. With a long history in health and safety Gary brings years of experience and knowledge to our team.
After deciding halfway through my A levels that more education wasn’t for me, and that earning was much more important, I decided to join the Royal Air Force as a ground engineer. What was an initial 9-year commitment, to get an apprenticeship and see a bit of the world, turned into a full 22-year career which saw me specialise in power generation, the automotive industry and refrigeration. Throughout my military service and the many house moves, a large part of my focus was on subordinate mentorship and development, and when given the opportunity to become qualified as a trainer and assessor, I took the leap to influence the next generation of engineers. Ending my career as very much a technical specialist, running maintenance and civil construction works both within the UK and overseas set me in good stead for the transition to civilian life. I had attained recognition from operational theatres such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Bosnia and Central Africa, as well as being placed on the late Queen’s birthday honours list for my support of NATO, but a new challenge was needed.
Since leaving the military I have worked within training delivery for both small providers and a large regional college, apprenticeship assessment of a range of pathways, and project management dealing with large construction and refurbishment projects for a facilities management company.
I’m now very happy to have joined such a professional team, in my new role with Merit skills.
With Gary on board, we look forward to a future filled with continuous growth, learning, and positive transformation in our Health and Safety team.
Find out more about our Health and Safety courses here